Indianapolis: Accelerate West Central Indiana Economic Development (Accelerate WCIED) is a regional partnership dedicated to the growth and prosperity of Clay, Parke, Putnam, Sullivan, Vermillion and Vigo counties in West Central Indiana. The alliance serves to increase the area’s development opportunities and competitiveness through global marketing efforts.

The America China Society of Indiana (ACSI) was invited to give a presentation and facilitate a brief discussion about the unique opportunities associated with business and China.

Mike Heaton, Chairperson for Accelerate WCIED maintained a positive outlook for possibilities of attracting Chinese business to the region. Jenny Massey, VP of ACSI discussed general economic development trends and a few project examples. Carmen Hendrixson, Secretary of ACSI introduced the America China Socity and explained how the organizations could successfully partner together.

>For further information about ACSI, please visit: For further information about Accelerate WCIED, please visit: